Fast-track Standard

PAS 91:2013+A1:2017

Construction prequalification questionnaires





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What is PAS 91 - Construction prequalification questionnaires about?

PAS 91 on construction prequalification questionnaires (PQQ) provides a standard list of the questions that are typically asked of suppliers at the prequalification stage of construction tendering. 

Who is PAS 91 Construction prequalification questionnaires for?

PAS 91 on construction prequalification questionnaires (PQQ) is for use in the construction sector, specifically:

  • Suppliers
  • Buyers
  • Buyers’ agents

Why should you use PAS 91 Construction prequalification questionnaires?

PAS 91 reduces the administrative burden for both suppliers and buyers.

Its construction prequalification questionnaires will benefit suppliers because:

  • Less time is taken interpreting and answering questions
  • Better responses to the ‘core’ questions can be developed
  • They can have greater confidence that questionnaires are completed correctly
  • They can bid for more work

PAS 91's use will also benefit buyers and their agents because:

  • Less time is taken creating questionnaires
  • Higher quality responses are received
  • More suppliers are likely to bid, creating more competition
  • It may contribute to an organization’s Corporate Responsibility policy by reducing the burden on their suppliers
  • It helps occasional buyers follow good practice straight away

PAS 91 is also in line with public sector policy as it helps small and medium-sized suppliers to bid.

What’s changed since the last update?

This amendment is solely to ensure that PAS 91:2013+A1:2017 aligns with new legislation, in particular changes to the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 and the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The amendments also address requirements of the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD). 

Product Details
Construction works
Sales documents
ICS Codes
03.100.10 Purchasing. Procurement. Logistics
91.010.01 Construction industry in general
International relationships
978 0 580 93182 6