In 1984 there were few who could envisage the changes that would take place. Computer numerical control machines were in their infancy, laser-cutting and engraving were only just being considered by industry, 3D printers had not been developed, and powered portable hand tools were slowly coming onto the scene with very few of them being battery powered.
Coupled with all these changes was the development of the built teaching environment with advances in the regulation of electricity, gas, and ventilation requirements among others, within newly designed buildings.
BS 4163:2021 Health and safety for design and technology in educational and similar establishments. Code of practice has brought together all the information necessary for teachers to be confident that they are following the best health and safety guidelines without having to resort to researching the many health and safety publications available. By using BS 4163:2021 teachers can ensure that they are following the best subject practice so that they, technicians, assistants, and learners develop a safer learning environment.
This health and safety standard can be useful to many other people besides those directly involved with teaching the subject in schools and colleges. It has been set out in various sections specifically to aid the possible different audiences that may wish to use it.
BS 4163:2021 provides recommendations and comprehensive guidance to whoever is responsible for planning services, equipment, and machinery – and for people who might use these – in design and technology facilities in all types of educational establishments. The recommendations cover the supply and safe use of equipment, machine tools and materials, and chemicals, as well as personal protection and safety management, with reference to the hazards involved.
Educational organizations should adopt the health and safety best practices in this standard because:
It contributes to the prevention of accidents and dangerous occurrences in the design and technology areas of educational establishments
It’s the only standard that ties together all current health and safety legislation, Codes of Practice, and Guidance into one easily read and understood document
It supports the quality-assured training and accreditation scheme run by the Design and Technology Association (D&T)
It assures employers that their employees are appropriately trained in accordance with health and safety legislation
It can develop teachers’ health and safety expertise and supports educational risk management
To learn more about the specific changes to this health and safety standard, and an in-depth look at its scope, download our BS 4163:2021 executive briefing here.
BS 4163:2021 offers several key benefits to your organization:
By reading and implementing the guidance within BS 4163:2021, teachers and technicians will be confident that learners’ activities that involve risk will be conducted safely in accordance with current guidelines and regulation
Employers will have the confidence that they will be abiding by their legal responsibilities applicable to design and technology and similar activities as laid out in the Health and Safety at Work Act by reading and following the guidelines published in BS 4163:2021
Architects, designers, and other professional companies involved with the provision of design and technology facilities will be safeguarding their professional design responsibilities by reading and following the recommendations in BS 4163:2021
All health and safety guidance and regulation having an influence upon the provision and activity within the design and technology curriculum is subsumed into one easily read document
BS 4163:2021 contributes to UN Sustainable Development Goal 3 on ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all of all ages
Get everyone in your education business involved in embedding a culture of health and safety. A BSI Knowledge subscription gives you instant access to the resources you need to improve your health and safety processes. The flexibility and visibility it provides of the best practices guidance enable you to get the most from your standards. Build your own custom collection of standards, or opt for access to our GBM07 Occupational & Personal Safety module and keep up-to-date with any relevant changes to your standards strategy. Request to learn more.
Ensure your organization is working to health and safety best practices in design and technology learning environments, by buying BS 4163:2021 today.