
BS 8414-1:2020 - TC

Fire performance of external cladding systems - Test method for non-loadbearing external cladding systems fixed to, and supported by, a masonry substrate

Current, Under Review


What is this BS 8414-1 about?

BS 8414-1 is the first part of multiple series that provides a test method for determining the fire performance characteristics of non-loadbearing external cladding systems, rainscreen over-cladding systems, and external wall insulation systems when fixed to, and supported by, a masonry substrate and exposed to an external fire under controlled conditions.

Note: This part of BS 84141 does not Cover:

  • The performance of glass or its supporting frame intended for glazed window openings
  • The total configuration of construction incorporating additional windows, doors, balconies, or ancillary penetrations
  • The exposure to radiant heat from a fire in an adjacent building

Who is this BS 84141 for?

BS 8414-1 on test method for non-loadbearing external cladding systems is useful for:

  • Fire investigators
  • Manufactures of external cladding systems, rainscreen over-cladding systems and external wall insulation systems
  • Test laboratory involved in determining Fire performance of external cladding systems
  • Construction industries
  • Civil Engineers

Why should you use this BS 8414-1?

Non-loadbearing external cladding systems help to protect the interiors and outside decorative of the building from the harsh weather elements

BS 8414-1 facilitates analysis and recording of the extent of damage caused to the external cladding system, particularly the ability of the external cladding system to resist the propagation of the fire upwards or penetration through the system and any falling debris and fire penetration.

The purpose of BS 8414-1 on testing non-loadbearing external cladding systems gives the indication of fire spread across or within an external cladding system (damages)

BS 8414-1 specifies the test to enable evaluation of the fire performance of the components when combined to form a complete cladding system.

BS 8414-1 specifies a test method designed to provide benchmarking data to enable the classification of the non-loadbearing external cladding system.

BS 84141 helps demarcate and observe the extent of Mechanical damage (extent of damage) and flame spread over the surface of the cladding system.

What’s changed since the last update?

BS 8414-1:2020 supersedes BS 8414-1:2015+A1:2017, which is withdrawn.

This is a full revision of the standard, and introduces the following principal changes:

  • Clarification of the scope
Product Details
Insulating boards
Rainwater control systems
Non-loadbearing walls
Construction materials
Construction systems parts
Cladding (buildings)
Fire tests
Fire safety in buildings
Fire resistance
ICS Codes
13.220.50 Fire-resistance of building materials and elements
International relationships
978 0 539 21823 7